International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. 'We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.
We become silent - The last days of health freedom.
This is a blog about evolution, science, philosophy, cosmology, politics, nature, humor, physics, conspiracies, 9/11 and atheism Vs theism...and more.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Who killed John O'Neill?
One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.
Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:
Who killed John O'Neill?
a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston.
Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:
Who killed John O'Neill?
a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Einstein’s unfinished symphony.
As Albert Einstein lay on his deathbed, he asked only for his glasses, his writing implements and his latest equations. He knew he was dying, yet he continued his work. In those final hours of his life, while fading in and out of consciousness, he was working on what he hoped would be his greatest work of all. It was a project of monumental complexity. It was a project that he hoped would unlock the mind of god.
Einstein’s unfinished symphony.
Einstein’s unfinished symphony.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The esoteric agenda.
If you have seen Zeitgeist you must also see this one. It digs deeper into the world conspiracy to dominate mankind and make them slaves of the system. all under the control of the New World Order.
There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations.
This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.
The esoteric agenda.
There is an Esoteric Agenda behind every facet of life that was once believed to be disconnected. There is an Elite faction guiding most every Political, Economic, Social, Corporate, some Non-Governmental or even Anti-Establishment Organizations.
This film uses the hard work and research of professionals in every field helping to expose this agenda put the future of this planet back into the hands of the people.
The esoteric agenda.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hitchens and Boteach debate god and evolution.
Full version of the Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Debate at New York's 92nd Street Y.
Hitchens and Boteach debate god and evolution.
Hitchens and Boteach debate god and evolution.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Global dimming.
Before "An Inconvenient Truth" and its also must-see opposition "The Great Global Warming Swindle", there was global dimming, an relatively unknown phenomenon that will change the perspective on the causes of climate change.
There are dozens of climate change theories based on models that, by definition, are created in search for a particular pattern, from a particular interest. This BBC documentary however feels very neutral, honest and realistic about a problem —the reduction of sun light reaching the Earth's surface— that is as fact as it is common sense, and whose solution (the reduction of pollution already taking place globally), paradoxcally contributes to global warming. Yes, global dimming cools down the Earth and counteracts global warming, hence the growing inestabilty of the climate caused by the two forces fighting each other
Horizon - Global dimming.
There are dozens of climate change theories based on models that, by definition, are created in search for a particular pattern, from a particular interest. This BBC documentary however feels very neutral, honest and realistic about a problem —the reduction of sun light reaching the Earth's surface— that is as fact as it is common sense, and whose solution (the reduction of pollution already taking place globally), paradoxcally contributes to global warming. Yes, global dimming cools down the Earth and counteracts global warming, hence the growing inestabilty of the climate caused by the two forces fighting each other
Horizon - Global dimming.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The death squads.
The torture and slaughter of Iraqi civilians is reaching unprecedented heights with estimates of up to 655,000 dead.
Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq's main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they've been tortured with electric drills. Yet those doing the killing have little to do with al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents. The majority of the killings are carried out by Shia death squads who want to turn Iraq into a Shia state aligned to Iran.
This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and taken over police units and even entire government ministeries. It investigates how these units are closely linked to the death squads, indeed they often are the death squads. And the killers act with impunity -- there's little investigation into their activities.
Channel 4 - The death squads.
Night after night death squads rampage through Iraq's main cities. In Baghdad, up to a hundred bodies a day are dumped on the streets. Often they've been tortured with electric drills. Yet those doing the killing have little to do with al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents. The majority of the killings are carried out by Shia death squads who want to turn Iraq into a Shia state aligned to Iran.
This shocking film investigates the links between the death squads and high-ranking Shia politicians. It reveals how the Shia militia that these politicians control have systematically infiltrated and taken over police units and even entire government ministeries. It investigates how these units are closely linked to the death squads, indeed they often are the death squads. And the killers act with impunity -- there's little investigation into their activities.
Channel 4 - The death squads.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Showdown with Iran.
Much of the evidence presented in this documentary was first revealed in a heavily redacted NYT Op-Ed by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann, both of whom are prominently featured in this PBS special. Despite the White House’s attempt to muzzle them from even mentioning information, all of which had already been reported in a variety of media sources, that exposed the Bush Administration’s incredulous undiplomatic push to keep Iran from ever getting off its enemy list, PBS was able to gain unprecedented access to video footage and interviews with Iranian officials that leaves little no doubt that this administration simply refuses to accept any path that would deviate from its decade-old neo-con Middle East war plans .
FRONTLINE - Showdown with Iran.
FRONTLINE - Showdown with Iran.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Ron Paul & the Neocons..
20th Century Fox is sure to attempt to have this film taken down from wherever. Under the Fair Act they'd be hard pressed to actually come after anybody considering its an informational parody. So please help ensure that this film stays seeded (bitorrent), embedded (all the various streaming player sites) and direct download links remain available (,, etc.). JUST KEEP UPLOADING IT. For sites like Google Video they can tag the filename, CRC info, etc to block it so it's recommended that the file is converted / altered however slightly, filename changed, and so on. Employ varying titles such as "Ron Paul vs. Darth Neocon", or whatever as there are plenty of ways to mix it up.
NEOCON WARS - Hilarious STAR WARS Parody.
NEOCON WARS - Hilarious STAR WARS Parody.
Mathematical infinity and human destiny.
There are two approaches to mathematical infinity. It can be seen as defining limiting cases that can never be realized or as existing in some philosophical sense. These mathematical approaches parallel approaches to meaning and value that we can call absolutist and evolutionary. The absolutist sees ultimate meaning as something that exists most commonly in the form of an all powerful infinite god.
The evolutionary sees life and all of a creation as an ever expanding journey with no ultimate or final goal. There is only the journey. There is no destination. This video argues for an evolutionary view in our sense of meaning and values and in our mathematical understanding. There is a deep connection between the two with profound implications for the evolution of consciousness and human destiny.
Mathematical infinity and human destiny.
The evolutionary sees life and all of a creation as an ever expanding journey with no ultimate or final goal. There is only the journey. There is no destination. This video argues for an evolutionary view in our sense of meaning and values and in our mathematical understanding. There is a deep connection between the two with profound implications for the evolution of consciousness and human destiny.
Mathematical infinity and human destiny.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Britain's Most Dangerous Drug.
A team of leading scientists has spent two years analyzing the effects of twenty widely used drugs. BBC asks what is Britain's most dangerous drug?
Recent research has analysed the link between the harmful effects of drugs relative to their current classification by law with some startling conclusions. Perhaps most startling of all is that alcohol, solvents and tobacco (all unclassified drugs) are rated more dangerous than ecstasy, 4-MTA and LSD (all class A drugs). If the current ABC system is retained, alcohol would be rated a class A drug and tobacco class B.
Which do you think is Britain's most dangerous drug?
Horizon: Britain's Most Dangerous Drug.
Recent research has analysed the link between the harmful effects of drugs relative to their current classification by law with some startling conclusions. Perhaps most startling of all is that alcohol, solvents and tobacco (all unclassified drugs) are rated more dangerous than ecstasy, 4-MTA and LSD (all class A drugs). If the current ABC system is retained, alcohol would be rated a class A drug and tobacco class B.
Which do you think is Britain's most dangerous drug?
Horizon: Britain's Most Dangerous Drug.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Penn and Teller Bullshit - Breast Hysteria.
Investigates societal attitudes towards women's breasts, supports public breast-feeding and recognizing flashing as free speech.
Penn and Teller Bullshit - Breast Hysteria.
Penn and Teller Bullshit - Breast Hysteria.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms.
The session was titled "The Design of Life," and the TED audience was probably expecting remarks about evolution's role in our history from biologist Richard Dawkins.
Instead, he launched into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education. Scientists and intellectuals hold very different beliefs about God from the American public, he says, yet they are cowed by the overall political environment. Dawkins' scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good.
Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms.
Instead, he launched into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education. Scientists and intellectuals hold very different beliefs about God from the American public, he says, yet they are cowed by the overall political environment. Dawkins' scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good.
Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms.
A Crude awakening - The oil crash.
OilCrash, produced and directed by award-winning European journalists and filmmakers Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack, tells the story of how our civilization’s addiction to oil puts it on a collision course with geology. Compelling, intelligent, and highly entertaining, the film visits with the world’s top experts and comes to a startling, but logical conclusion – our industrial society, built on cheap and readily available oil, must be completely re-imagined and overhauled.
The idea that the world’s oil supplies have peaked, or will soon, is gaining mainstream currency. A history of oil consumption and it's inevitable end, Peak oil is also described.
A Crude awakening - The oil crash.
The idea that the world’s oil supplies have peaked, or will soon, is gaining mainstream currency. A history of oil consumption and it's inevitable end, Peak oil is also described.
A Crude awakening - The oil crash.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Green House conspiracy.
This documentary is a good companion to the latest documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" the hoax of Global Warming / Green House was exposed 17 years ago by CH 4 UK in this documentary entitled Green House Conspiracy.
Those who subscribe to the rubbish trotted out by Al Gore and his mindless followers are not new they were the same clowns who were telling us we were all going to freeze to death 30 years ago.
Green House conspiracy.
Those who subscribe to the rubbish trotted out by Al Gore and his mindless followers are not new they were the same clowns who were telling us we were all going to freeze to death 30 years ago.
Green House conspiracy.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Will Israel bomb Iran?
A documentary for the BBC about Israels policies towards Iran and the probability that Israel will strike Iran.
The makes managed to talk with a number of high ranking Israeli politicians and top brass military about the possible actions they might take against Iran and when.
Will Israel bomb Iran?
The makes managed to talk with a number of high ranking Israeli politicians and top brass military about the possible actions they might take against Iran and when.
Will Israel bomb Iran?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Noah's flood Vs The epic of Gilgamesh.
The story of a Great Flood sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution is a widespread theme among many cultural myths. Though it is best known by the Biblical story of Noah, it is also well known in other versions, such as stories of Matsya in the Hindu Puranas, Deucalion in Greek mythology and Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh. A large percentage of the world's cultures past and present have stories of a "great flood" that devastated an earlier civilization, which has led to theories that they correspond to an actual (pre)historical event.
The Flood. The story of the Flood is a familiar one, as we see in Genesis and Popol Vuh. The Gilgamesh flood myth is a deluge story in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was added as Tablet XI to the ten original tablets of the Gilgamesh Epic by an editor who copied or altered parts of the flood story from the Epic of Atrahasis.
The earliest surviving reference to the Flood goes back to 1900 B.C. Why is it brought in here? Why do the gods bring on the Flood? Is any reason given?
What does it tell us about the nature of history and the relation of the gods to humanity?
Noah's flood Vs The epic of Gilgamesh.
The Flood. The story of the Flood is a familiar one, as we see in Genesis and Popol Vuh. The Gilgamesh flood myth is a deluge story in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was added as Tablet XI to the ten original tablets of the Gilgamesh Epic by an editor who copied or altered parts of the flood story from the Epic of Atrahasis.
The earliest surviving reference to the Flood goes back to 1900 B.C. Why is it brought in here? Why do the gods bring on the Flood? Is any reason given?
What does it tell us about the nature of history and the relation of the gods to humanity?
Noah's flood Vs The epic of Gilgamesh.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Laughing with Hitler.
This documentary looks at the clampdown on satire and other undesirable comedians as the Third Reich grew in power. The plight of specific groups (or "art") tends to get lost in the scale of the much bigger human cost of WWII. However here the film looks at how satire and jokes at Hitler's expense were encouraged to some degree as he came into power but gradually anything deemed "subversive" was squeezed out and telling such jokes gradually became more and more dangerous.
We hear about German comedians who are sentenced to hard labour in camps or even death as punishment for making jokes. This is recalled with well chosen recollections from a couple of people involved in the period and it serves to only make things worse by not being at all surprising.
After this the film explores the general sense of humour on the street as the war started to turn back against German cities and civilians, where understandably there was a certain amount of gallows humour. Throughout the film the jokes are recreated by two German comedians.
Laughing with Hitler.
We hear about German comedians who are sentenced to hard labour in camps or even death as punishment for making jokes. This is recalled with well chosen recollections from a couple of people involved in the period and it serves to only make things worse by not being at all surprising.
After this the film explores the general sense of humour on the street as the war started to turn back against German cities and civilians, where understandably there was a certain amount of gallows humour. Throughout the film the jokes are recreated by two German comedians.
Laughing with Hitler.
Monday, February 4, 2008
What on earth is wrong with gravity?
Particle physicist and ex D:Ream keyboardist Dr. Brian Cox believes that the answer to the meaning of the universe lies in gravity. On a road trip across the USA, Brian fires lasers at the moon in Texas and goes wild in the desert in Arizona. He encounters the bending of space and time at a maximum security military base and tries to detect ripples in our reality in the swamps of Louisiana.
Horizon - What on earth is wrong with gravity?
Horizon - What on earth is wrong with gravity?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Life After People.
What would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What remnants of our industrialized world would survive? What would crumble fastest?
Abandoned skyscrapers would, after hundreds of years, become "vertical ecosystems" complete with birds, rodents and even plant life. One small animal might be responsible for bringing down the Hoover Dam hydroelectric plant. Swelled rivers, crumbling bridges and buildings, grizzly bears in California and herds of buffalo returning to the Great Western Plains: In a world without humans, these would be the visual hallmarks. Our cars would shrivel to piles of dust, our house pets would be overtaken by flourishing wildlife and most of the records of our human story�books, photos, records�would fade quickly, leaving little evidence that we ever existed.
So what would happen to the Earth if humans ceased to exist? Would all the remnants of mankind eventually disappear from our planet? How long would it take? Would endangered species thrive or would extinctions continue at an advanced pace?
History Channel - Life After People.
Abandoned skyscrapers would, after hundreds of years, become "vertical ecosystems" complete with birds, rodents and even plant life. One small animal might be responsible for bringing down the Hoover Dam hydroelectric plant. Swelled rivers, crumbling bridges and buildings, grizzly bears in California and herds of buffalo returning to the Great Western Plains: In a world without humans, these would be the visual hallmarks. Our cars would shrivel to piles of dust, our house pets would be overtaken by flourishing wildlife and most of the records of our human story�books, photos, records�would fade quickly, leaving little evidence that we ever existed.
So what would happen to the Earth if humans ceased to exist? Would all the remnants of mankind eventually disappear from our planet? How long would it take? Would endangered species thrive or would extinctions continue at an advanced pace?
History Channel - Life After People.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Threads - Nuclear War, 1984.
Threads is a 1984 television docudrama depicting the effects of a nuclear war on the United Kingdom and its aftermath. Written by Barry Hines and directed by Mick Jackson, Threads was filmed in late 1983 and early 1984.
The premise of Threads was to hypothesize the effects of a nuclear war on the United Kingdom after an exchange between the Soviet Union and the United States escalates to include the UK.
Threads - Nuclear War, 1984.
The premise of Threads was to hypothesize the effects of a nuclear war on the United Kingdom after an exchange between the Soviet Union and the United States escalates to include the UK.
Threads - Nuclear War, 1984.
Discovery investigates chemtrails.
This special program of the show "Best evidence" was broadcasted August 10th, 2007.
It looks at those who claim that jet fuel of commercial and military aircrafts contain secret experimental additives, such as aluminum oxide, for weather modification purposes.
Best evidence - Chemtrails.
The scientific theory behind this claim is that such additives could act like small mirrors to reflect sun rays, thus, slowing down the coming disastrous effects of global warming and climate change.
Discovery Channel's conclusions is that though there is no proven scientific evidence yet that contrails of civilian or military airplanes contain experimental additives and chemicals, they discover that the US military has the technology available to manipulate the weather using these means if they wish to do so through a secret program, as they did in Vietnam during the Vietnam war through a project called "Operation Popeye."
Journalist William Thomas concludes by saying that in the winter of 2005, the United States government established a federal bureau of weather modification in Washington, DC. He says this is a government mandated agency whose stated mission is to modify the weather and climate. Under this rubric, he claims that the government could come out and admit to a chemtrail-type project.
It looks at those who claim that jet fuel of commercial and military aircrafts contain secret experimental additives, such as aluminum oxide, for weather modification purposes.
Best evidence - Chemtrails.
The scientific theory behind this claim is that such additives could act like small mirrors to reflect sun rays, thus, slowing down the coming disastrous effects of global warming and climate change.
Discovery Channel's conclusions is that though there is no proven scientific evidence yet that contrails of civilian or military airplanes contain experimental additives and chemicals, they discover that the US military has the technology available to manipulate the weather using these means if they wish to do so through a secret program, as they did in Vietnam during the Vietnam war through a project called "Operation Popeye."
Journalist William Thomas concludes by saying that in the winter of 2005, the United States government established a federal bureau of weather modification in Washington, DC. He says this is a government mandated agency whose stated mission is to modify the weather and climate. Under this rubric, he claims that the government could come out and admit to a chemtrail-type project.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Richard Dawkins - The virus of faith.
In "The Virus of Faith," Dawkins attacks the teaching of religion to children, calling it child abuse.
"Innocent children are being saddled with demonstrable falsehoods," he says. "It's time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. Isn't it weird the way we automatically label a tiny child with its parents' religion?"
Dawkins, who makes no effort to disguise his atheism and contempt for religion, focuses on the Bible, too.
"The God of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous, and proud of it, petty, vindictive, unjust, unforgiving, racist," he says. Dawkins then criticizes Abraham, compares Moses to Hitler and Saddam Hussein, and calls the New Testament "St Paul's nasty, sado-masochistic doctrine of atonement for original sin."
Richard Dawkins - The virus of faith.
"Innocent children are being saddled with demonstrable falsehoods," he says. "It's time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. Isn't it weird the way we automatically label a tiny child with its parents' religion?"
Dawkins, who makes no effort to disguise his atheism and contempt for religion, focuses on the Bible, too.
"The God of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous, and proud of it, petty, vindictive, unjust, unforgiving, racist," he says. Dawkins then criticizes Abraham, compares Moses to Hitler and Saddam Hussein, and calls the New Testament "St Paul's nasty, sado-masochistic doctrine of atonement for original sin."
Richard Dawkins - The virus of faith.
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