Monday, March 31, 2008

Michael Moore - Sicko.

Writer/producer Michael Moore interviews Americans who have been denied treatment by our health care insurance companies -- companies who sacrifice essential health services in order to maximize profits. The consequences for the individual subscribers range from bankruptcy to the unnecessary deaths of loved ones.

Moore then looks at universal free health care systems in Canada, France, Britain, and Cuba, debunking all the fears (lower quality of care, poorer compensation for doctors, big-government bureaucracy) that have been used to dissuade Americans from establishing such a system here. The roots of those health care systems are explored, and our failure to establish free health here care is traced to a) President Richard Nixon's deceptive support of the then-emerging HMOs pursuing huge profits and b) subsequent pressures for Congress to sacrifice sound health care in favor of corporate profit.

Michael Moore - Sicko.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ape Genius.

A PBS Nova presentation on the growing cultural intelligence of the greater apes.

Ape Genius.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Horizon - How does your memory work?

You might think that your memory is there to help you remember facts, such as birthdays or shopping lists. If so, you would be very wrong. The ability to travel back in time in your mind is, perhaps, your most remarkable ability, and develops over your lifespan.

Horizon takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into the human memory. From the woman who is having her most traumatic memories wiped by a pill, to the man with no memory, this film reveals how these remarkable human stories are transforming our understanding of this unique human ability.

The findings reveal the startling truth that everyone is little more than their own memory.

How does your memory work?

Definition of stupidity.

A humorous examination of stupidity in contemporary American culture, covering: the effects of television and mass media on the American intellect; the "dumbing down" of American culture; the popularity of Steve-O and Jackass; the role of religion in willful stupidity; the identifaction of many Americans with George W. Bush; the evolution of such concepts as "idiot" and "moron."

Features: Bill Maher, Noam Chomsky, George W. Bush, Mark Crispin Miller and many others. Note: a 30 second delay appears before the video starts.

Stupidity by Albert Nerenberg.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Geert Wilders - Fitna the movie...+ Submission.

In support of the upcoming movie Fitna, a short tour of the past, like a reminder from history. Where is the tolerance when it comes to freedom of speech in the public domain. Again burning flags and dolls. The Danish cartoons parade all over again. Until all come to submission to the faith of islam. That is why we all need a brief reminder from history. Here is Fitna and Submission two of the most important Dutch movies made about islam and its flaws when it comes to tolerance and reason.

Fitna the movie.

Working from a script written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, van Gogh created the 10-minute movie Submission. The movie deals with the topic of violence against women in Islamic societies; telling the stories of four abused Muslim women.

The title itself, "Submission", is a translation of the word "Islam" into English. In the film, telling their stories as if they are speaking to Allah. Qur'anic verses unfavourable to women are projected onto their bodies in Arabic. After the broadcast of Submission, Van Gogh and Hirsi Ali also received death threats. Van Gogh did not take these very seriously and refused any protection, reportedly telling Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Who would want to kill the village idiot?

Van Gogn was shot 8 times by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Dutch- Moroccan Muslim. Ayaan fled Netherland and is now in USA under severe protection. Recently a member of Netherland parliament named Geert wilders has decided to release a 10 min movie regarding the truth about violence in Quran. Guess what! The movie wasn’t released and he has received so many death threats that he is under police protection and is constantly changing safe houses. However he’s stayed firm in his decision regarding the release of the movie.

So let’s support freedom of speech and not be intimidated by bunch of savages who are stuck in the 7th century and want to impose their throwback religion on the rest of the civilized world. So this is the film that was the reason for a muslim extremist to murder Theo van Gogh.

Submission Part 1.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jonestown: - The life and death of peoples temple.

Jonestown was the short-lived settlement made in northwestern Guyana by the Peoples Temple, a cult from California. Jonestown became lastingly and internationally notorious in 1978, when nearly its whole population died in a mass murder-suicide orchestrated by their leader, Jim Jones. The name of the settlement thus became, also, a term for that incident. The site is now an abandoned ruin.

In November of 1978, United States Congressman Leo Ryan, accompanied by reporters and a delegation of concerned relatives of Peoples Temple members, visited Jonestown to investigate allegations of abuses there. The visit ended in the murders of Ryan and four others by members of the Peoples Temple, shot at the Port Kaituma airstrip as they were about to fly out. That evening, November 18, Jones led his followers in their mass murder-suicide. Somewhat over nine hundred men, women and children perished, Jones among them.

Featuring never-before-seen footage, this documentary delivers a startling new look at the Peoples Temple, headed by preacher Jim Jones who, in 1978, led more than 900 members to Guyana, where he orchestrated a mass suicide via tainted punch.

Jonestown: - The life and death of peoples temple.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The missing secrets of Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age. This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went unnoticed for nearly a century.

How did this obscure visionary from what is now Yugoslavia lay the foundation for modern communication – and which of his inventions were considered a little too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of the time.

Among his discoveries are: fluorescent light, the laser beam, wireless communications, wireless transmission of electrical energy, remote control, robotics, Tesla’s turbines and vertical take off aircraft.

Tesla is the father of the radio and the modern electrical transmission system. Tesla registered over 700 patents worldwide. His vision included power from the sea, exploration of solar energy, the discovery of cosmic radio waves, and the use of the ionosphere for scientific purposes. He foresaw interplanetary communications and satellites.

The missing secrets of Nikola Tesla.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Einstein and his equation E=mc2.

The history behind how this equation could be invented..and who all played their role in inventing this wonderful and powerful equation which can destroy the world or also make the whole world glow.

Einstein and his equation E=mc2.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Equinox - It runs on water.

On Sunday, 17 December 1995, viewers in U.K. saw an hour-long T V. program which, at long last, puts across the clear message that "free energy" is on the way.

In the opening stages Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. "Free energy" was now working its way through these four stages of reaction, which were:

a: "It's nonsense,"
b: "It is not important,"
c: "I always said it was a good idea," and d: "I thought of it first."

Equinox - It runs on water.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Doppler effect & The Big Bang.

This lecture is part of a serie of 36 video lectures on Electricity and Magnetism, by Professor Walter Lewin, they were recorded on the MIT campus during the Spring of 2002. Prof. Lewin is well-known at MIT and beyond for his dynamic and engaging lecture style.

The Big Bang is a cosmological model of the universe that has become well supported by several independent observations. After Edwin Hubble discovered that galactic distances were generally proportional to their redshifts in 1929, this observation was taken to indicate that the universe is expanding.

Ironically, the term 'Big Bang' was first coined by Fred Hoyle in a derisory statement seeking to belittle the credibility of the theory that he did not believe to be true. However, the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1964 was taken as almost undeniable support for the Big Bang.

Analysis of the spectrum of light from distant galaxies reveals a shift towards longer wavelengths (Doppler effect) proportional to each galaxy's distance in a relationship described by Hubble's law, which is taken to indicate that the universe is undergoing a continuous expansion.

Lecture 35: Doppler effect & The Big Bang.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Richard Dawkins - Queerer than we suppose...

Richard Dawkins is Oxford University's "Professor for the Public Understanding of Science." Author of the landmark 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, he's a brilliant (and trenchant) evangelist for Darwin's ideas.

In this talk, titled, "Queerer Than We Suppose: The strangeness of science," he suggests that the true nature of the universe eludes us, because the human mind evolved only to understand the "middle-sized" world we can observe.

Queerer than we suppose: The strangeness of science.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fermat's last theorem.

Simon Singh and John Lynch's film tells the enthralling and emotional story of Andrew Wiles. A quiet English mathematician, he was drawn into maths by Fermat's puzzle, but at Cambridge in the '70s, FLT was considered a joke, so he set it aside.

Then, in 1986, an extraordinary idea linked this irritating problem with one of the most profound ideas of modern mathematics: the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture, named after a young Japanese mathematician who tragically committed suicide. The link meant that if Taniyama was true then so must be FLT. When he heard, Wiles went after his childhood dream again. "I knew that the course of my life was changing." For seven years, he worked in his attic study at Princeton, telling no one but his family. "My wife has only known me while I was working on Fermat", says Andrew.

In June 1993 he reached his goal. At a three-day lecture at Cambridge, he outlined a proof of Taniyama - and with it Fermat's Last Theorem. Wiles' retiring life-style was shattered. Mathematics hit the front pages of the world's press. Then disaster struck. His colleague, Dr Nick Katz, made a tiny request for clarification. It turned into a gaping hole in the proof. As Andrew struggled to repair the damage, pressure mounted for him to release the manuscript - to give up his dream.

So Andrew Wiles retired back to his attic. He shut out everything, but Fermat. A year later, at the point of defeat, he had a revelation. "It was the most important moment in my working life. Nothing I ever do again will be the same." The very flaw was the key to a strategy he had abandoned years before. In an instant Fermat was proved; a life's ambition achieved; the greatest puzzle of maths was no more.

Fermat's last theorem.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Super massive black holes.

A super massive black hole is a black hole with a mass in the range of hundreds of thousands to tens of billions of solar masses. It is currently thought that most, if not all galaxies, including the Milky Way, contain a super massive black hole at their galactic center.

Super massive black holes.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The weather underground.

Hello, I'm going to read a declaration of a state of war...within the next 14 days we will attack a symbol or institution of American injustice." ~ Bernardine Dohrn Thirty years ago, with those words, a group of young American radicals announced their intention to overthrow the U.S. government.

In THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND, former Underground members, including Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd, David Gilbert and Brian Flanagan, speak publicly about the idealistic passion that drove them to "bring the war home" and the trajectory that placed them on the FBI's most wanted list. Fueled by outrage over racism and the Vietnam War, the Weather Underground waged a low-level war against the U.S. government through much of the 1970s--bombing targets across the country that they considered emblematic of the real violence that the U.S. was wreaking throughout the world. Ultimately, the group's carefully organized clandestine network managed to successfully evade one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, yet the group's members would reemerge to life in a country that was dramatically different than the one they had hoped their efforts would inspire.

Extensive archival material, including, photographs, film footage and FBI documents are interwoven with modern-day interviews to trace the group's path, from its pitched battles with police on Chicago's streets, to its bombing of the U.S. Capitol, to its successful endeavor breaking acid-guru Timothy Leary out of prison.

The film explores the Weathermen in the context of other social movements of the time and features interviews with former members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Black Panthers. It also examines the U.S. government's suppression of dissent in the 1960s and 1970s. Looking back at their years underground, the former members paint a compelling portrait of troubled times, revolutionary times, and the forces that drove their resistance.

The weather underground.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

No end in sight.

Chronological look at the fiasco in Iraq, especially decisions made in the spring of 2003 - and the backgrounds of those making decisions - immediately following the overthrow of Saddam: no occupation plan, an inadequate team to run the country, insufficient troops to keep order, and three edicts from the White House announced by Bremmer when he took over: no provisional Iraqi government, de-Ba'athification, and disbanding the Iraqi armed services.

The film has chapters (from History to Consequences), and the talking heads are reporters, academics, soldiers, military brass, and former Bush-administration officials, including several who were in Baghdad in 2003.

No end in sight.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Indian rope trick.

There are different accounts of the Indian rope trick in circulation, but apart from minor changes in the settings and the participants, the basic trick remained the same as described below.

In the simplest version of the trick, the magician would hurl a rope into the air. The rope would not fall but stand erect. His boy assistant would climb the rope and then descend.

A more elaborate version of the trick would find the magician (or his assistant) disappearing after reaching the top of the rope, then reappearing at ground level.
The "classic" version of the trick, however, was even more detailed: the rope would seem to rise high into the skies, even disappearing from view. The boy assistant would climb the rope, and soon be lost to view. The magician would call back his boy assistant, and on hearing no response, would become furious. The magician then armed himself with a knife or sword, and he would also climb the rope and disappear in the thin air. An argument would be heard, and then human limbs would start falling on the ground, presumably cut from the assistant by the magician. When all the parts of the body, including the torso, landed on the ground, the magician would be seen climbing down from the erect rope. He would collect the limbs and put them in a basket, or simply collect all the limbs in one place and then cover them with a cape or blanket. Soon the magician’s boy assistant would appear, miraculously restored.

Descartes originally claimed that consciousness involves an immaterial soul, which observes a representation of the world in the pineal gland of the brain. Under this notion, the soul plays the role of a homunculus, a creature with self-directed will power.

Dennett says that, when the dualism is removed, what remains of Descartes' original model amounts to imagining a tiny theater in the brain where the homunculus, now physical, performs the task of observing all the sensory data projected on a screen at a particular instant, making the decisions and sending out commands. And all that is left is a Cartesian Theater. Who's driving the car?

Professor Daniel Dennett's - Lecture on consciousness.

Friday, March 14, 2008

9/11, fear & the selling of American empire.

Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire examines how a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda to radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home. The documentary places the Bush Administration's false justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neoconservatives to dramatically increase military spending in the wake of the Cold War, and to expand American power globally by means of military force.

9/11, fear & the selling of American empire.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Danny Shecter - Weapons of mass deception.

There were two wars going on in Iraq - one was fought with armies of soldiers, bombs and a fearsome military force. The other was fought alongside it with cameras, satellites, armies of journalists and propaganda techniques. One war was rationalized as an effort to find and disarm WMDs - Weapons of Mass Destruction; the other was carried out by even more powerful WMDs, Weapons of Mass Deception.

Weapons of Mass Destruction is Independent Journalist Danny Shecter's report on how the US media was manipulated in the run-up to the Iraq War.

Danny Shecter - Weapons of mass deception.

Michael Shermer @ TED.

Michael Shermer is a science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and editor of its magazine Skeptic, which is largely devoted to investigating and debunking pseudoscientific and supernatural claims.

Why people believe strange things.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Aldous Huxley - Gravity of light.

Aldous Leonard Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and one of the most prominent members of the famous Huxley family. He spent the latter part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death in 1963. Best known for his novels and wide-ranging output of essays, he also published short stories, poetry, travel writing, and film stories and scripts.

Huxley was a humanist but was also interested towards the end of his life in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism. By the end of his life Huxley was considered, in some academic circles, a leader of modern thought and an intellectual of the highest rank. He was also well known for advocating and taking LSD, including on his death bed.

In this documentary, visionary and prophet Aldous Huxley speaks on a range of subjects from "Brave New World" to LSD.

Aldous Huxley - Gravity of light.

Friday, March 7, 2008

End of nations - EU takeover & the Lisbon treaty.

They set out to make a video about the pros and cons of the Lisbon Treaty and found out to their horror the lies, manipulations and deceit behind the EU. From MEPs, legal experts and EU researches the true nature of the EU unfolded, how it really operates from behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. We discovered the massive power grab away from citizens and nations to the elites that is being proposed in this treaty. Most shocking of all was how our elected representatives are willingly handing us over to this emerging Totalitarian Superstate by deception , propaganda and outright lies.

This video details how the structures of the EU really operate, what the full significance of the Lisbon Treaty is and how it is the end of Nations within in the EU. MEPs describe their experience in Brussels and how they are undermined by the real power of the unelected and unaccountable Eurocrats who run the organization. How the politicians are working together for their own selfish needs while being used for a bigger agenda.

End of nations - EU takeover & the Lisbon treaty.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Arundhati Roy - We.

In 1997 Arundhati Roy won the Booker Prize for her novel "The God of Small Things". In 2004 she was awarded the Sydney Peace Prize.

The film examines the widely unregarded worlds of Anthropology and Geopolitics in a very dynamic manner, and is probably stylistically quite unlike any documentary that you have previously seen.

It covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. It is particularly hard hitting when it comes to the United States and western powers in general.

Its unconventional style has proven to be very successful in engaging younger viewers - many of whom find more traditional content dealing with these subjects quite dry and uninteresting. It is almost in the style of a music video, featuring contemporary music (lush, curve, love & rockets, boards of canada, nine inch nails, dead can dance, amon tobin, massive attack, totoise, telepop, placebo and faith less) overlaid with the words of Arundhati Roy, and images of humanity and the world we live in today.

Arundhati Roy - We.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Carl Gustav Jung.

This is a three-part series of films produced by PBS, on the life and work of the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung.

Jung's unique approach to psychology was influential in countercultural movements in Europe and the United States in the 1960s, though it has largely fallen out of favor among contemporary psychologists and philosophers. He has emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the worlds of dreams, art, mythology, world religion and philosophy. Although he was a theoretical psychologist and practicing clinician, much of his life's work was spent exploring other realms, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His most notable ideas include the mystical concept of the Jungian archetype, the collective unconscious, and his theory of synchronicity.

Part 1 - Wisdom of the dreams.

Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern humans rely too heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and appreciation of the unconscious realm.

Part 2 - Wisdom of the dreams.

Jung has had an enduring influence on psychology as well as wider society. He has influenced psychotherapy (see Jungian psychology and analytical psychology).

* The concept of introversion vs. extraversion
* The concept of the complex
* Two typologies, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Socionics, were inspired by Jung's psychological types theory.
* Archetype concept, as an element of the archaic common substratum of the mind, or Collective Unconscious mind.
* Synchronicity idea, as an alternative to the Causality Principle, that has influence even on modern physicists.

Part 3 - Wisdom of the dreams.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Peak oil, energy and climate change.

"Shell estimates that after 2015 supplies of easy-to-access oil and gas will no longer keep up with demand." Mr van der Verr, Chief Executive. Shell Oil

When the Chief Exec of a major oil company says that, it's time to sit up, think, and take action.

David Strahan, author of The Last Oil Shock; journalist; reporter (BBC's Money Programme, Horizon); and documentary filmmaker, explains the back-story of Peak Oil and the additional challenges it poses for modern man waking up to a Climate Change dawn.

Imagine life without energy? Now imagine life without energy in a world of Climate Change!

With the price of oil now regularly breaching the $100/barrel mark, and the impact on food prices and production - to name just one life essential - that will have going forward. If we couple that with the recent crop failures of the major grain-producing countries which is resulting in a worldwide shortage of wheat, record prices and export tariffs (imposed by the major grain exporting countries to preserve stocks for their own populations); it's time, surely, to begin thinking about how we must adjust our way of life and economic infrastructure... whilst we still can.

We go over the reasons for declining oil production and the ramifications for petroleum man. We also examine some of the proposed solutions like: biofuels (dangerous); technology (delusional); carbon sequestration (when?); coal (carbon emmissions) etc...

This conversation is slanted towards the UK's new army of Domestic Energy Assessors but there is nothing said that can't be understood by all; in other words there's no technical jargon.

Peak oil, energy and climate change.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

BBC Panorama - The war party.

They brought us war against Iraq - what do the hawks in Washington have in store for us now?

Panorama investigates the "neo-conservatives", the small and unelected group of right-wingers, who critics claim have hijacked the White House. The program investigates the neo-conservatives who have hijacked the White House - and America. The people who brought us war in Iraq will also bring us war with Iran - and possibly Russia too - if they are not stopped.

Throughout the war with Iraq, Steve Bradshaw was with the neocons in Washington - discovering whether they're really trying to run the world the American way.

BBC Panorama - The war party.

George Green - An economic forecast for coming times.


Faced with a moral and ethical dilemma, former investment banker, Registered Financial Principal with the N.A.S.D. and a Broker/Dealer, Securities Underwriter, Real Estate Developer, Insurance Broker and Publisher, who was invited into the power elite, turned his back on his former associates to walk an entirely different path.

George Green - An economic forecast for coming times.

David Icke - Turning of the tide.

Exposing the real story behind global events, which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children. The veil lifts on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organisations control the daily direction of our lives, & how the same people on apparently different sides of politics are actually connected to the same elite organizations. These organizations have the same proven agenda of a world government, a world central bank, a world army, a world currency, and some say a microchipped population.

These apparent opposites in politics are there to persuade us that we are not living in a prison, that we have a choice. Yet these persons are not opposites at all but are part of a one-party state. The last two US Presidents were apparently opposites and on different sides - Bill Clinton and George Bush - yet they were both heavily involved within the same elite organizations.

David Icke explains: "What happens in practice is that if you look at all the dogmas in all cultures, all societies have what I call a 'hassle-free zone.' It is that area within any culture, within each dogma (religious, economic, political etc) wherein if you conform to it, you are in the comfort zone. No one's going to laugh at you, condemn you for being different, or for expressing your uniqueness, because you are locked into the herd mentality, and you are conforming to what you are told you should be and do. When you step out of this mind-set and express your unique aspect of all that exists and refuse to be frightened, or controlled, you immediately face ridicule or condemnation as I have in England."

"Whatever happened to living? The vast majority of people, rich and poor, on this planet are enslaved. Enslaved by the system's robotic programming, its economic imprisonment, and by their own refusal to think, question and find the liberation that comes with an open mind. We don't live in a free society, we live as robots in a society in which you are free to do what the society wants you to do - produce and consume - that's the reality.

David Icke - Turning of the tide.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Unconstitutional - The war on our civil liberties.

Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties, is the third in a series of Public Interest Pictures films that follows Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election and Uncovered: The War on Iraq. True to their legacy, Unconstitutional provides the facts and stories that illuminate administration lies, wrongheaded policies, and the real victims of these actions--the American people.

Here, you'll get the real story behind the USA PATRIOT Act and other administration policies and the gut wrenching stories behind those affected--from law-abiding store clerks to United States Olympians unable to travel. It'll remind you of what America used to stand for and what it seems we're falling for now. In short, this one-hour film will affirm why you're angry and give you a tool to help others join your ranks.

Unconstitutional - The war on our civil liberties.