Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A war on science.

This is an documentary about god vs science. Is it right to teach kids that some god made us?

A war on science.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flock of Dodos: The evolution-intelligent design circus.

A documentary which could be considered a response to the anti-evolution "Expelled" with Ben Stein. The highly anticipated, comic and controversial feature documentary, "Flock of Dodos: the evolution-intelligent design circus," is the first feature film to take an even-handed look at the intelligent design vs. evolution clash that appeared on the covers of Time and Newsweek in 2005.

Filmmaker, scientist, surfer and evolutionary biologist Dr. Randy Olson explores the controversy over the teaching of evolution and the recently developed alternative, intelligent design. Olson, a native of Kansas, visits his home state and the community of Dover, Pennsylvania, which attempted to introduce intelligent design in science classes. Olson draws on basic aspects of evolution as metaphors, including the extinct dodo, which he suggests symbolizes what happens to those unable to change with their environment.

Featured are seven top advocates for intelligent design, including Dr. Michael Behe, author of "Darwin's Black Box," fourteen evolution Ph.D.'s, a poker game among eight evolutionists, a rabbit eating its own poop, and a flock of animated dodos playing poker, dancing, and helping the audience answer the question, "who really is the 'flock of dodos?'" Though writer/director Randy Olson is a self-proclaimed evolutionist, this film truly does treat both sides of the issue with respect. Olson is from Kansas, where the Intelligent Design controversy was born, and interviews all the major names in Intelligent Design (John Calvert, Michael Behe, and Jack Cashill to name a few).

The genius in Olson's movie is in never settling into a "PBS-style" science documentary. The frame of the film never gets weighted down by boring science lectures or obfuscating intellectuals. The film, instead, hangs it's hat on hilarious dodo animations, slick graphic sequences, and a humorous yet honest approach to the whole topic. "Flock of Dodos" will truly have people on both sides of the issue quoting the film in the theater lobby.

Flock of Dodos: The evolution-intelligent design circus.

Painful deceptions.

Summary of the Video's Accusation:

Flight 77: There is no evidence of Flight 77 or the dead passengers at the Pentagon. The Pentagon security video suggests a Global Hawk was shattered by a missile. The missile may have been launched from a defensive missile system around the Pentagon.

The World Trade Center Towers: Explosives were placed in both towers before the attack to cause the towers to disintegrate into dust. Explosives were detonated via radio by a computer in Building 7.

Building 7: It was a 47 story, steel-framed building that disintegrated later in the day, also from explosives. The 23rd floor was the Mayor's "Emergency Command Center," which had its own air supply. This appears to be the command center for destroying the towers.

The video also includes: an explanation of turbofans, explosives, the Oklahoma City bombing, the media that Americans mistakenly refer to as our "Free Press," and why deception is the main weapon in this war to control us.

Painful deceptions.

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Flight 77" The white plane.

Citizen Investigation Team picks up where the media has failed and presents to you more previously unknown eyewitnesses to the plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon. The people in the neighborhoods of Arlington saw a white jet fly tree top level over their homes seconds before the explosion presenting further evidence that fatally contradicts the official story.

This testimony sheds light on why there was at least one other mysterious white jet that was called in to circle no fly zones minutes before and after the time of the attack.

"Flight 77" The white plane.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Quran and the Kalashnikov.

A BBC Documentary on the history of Islam and the armed conflicts it has fought around the world. This with initially the backing of the western countries around the world, up until to the situation we are in right now.

The Quran and the Kalashnikov.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Money as debt.

Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It's an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States.

Money as debt.

Friday, April 25, 2008

King Corn.

Behind America’s dollar hamburgers and 72-ounce sodas is a key ingredient that quietly fuels our fast-food nation: corn. In King Corn, recent college graduates Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis leave the east coast for rural Iowa, where they decide to grow an acre of the nation’s most powerful crop. So this two friends grow an acre of corn to see what drives our fast-food nation. Go along for the ride as they follow the grain from seed to table.

As Ian and Curt discover, almost everything Americans eat contains corn. High-fructose corn syrup, corn-fed meat, and corn-based processed foods are the staples of the modern diet. America’s record harvests of corn are supported by a government subsidy system that promotes corn production beyond all market demand. As Ian and Curt return to Iowa to watch their 10,000-pound harvest fill the combine’s hopper and make its way into America’s food, they realize their acre of land shouldn’t be planted in corn again—if they can help it.

King Corn.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Super size me.

Why are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month?

Spurlock’s real success here is converting a unique idea into an entertaining feature-length film. Much like Michael Moore in "Bowling For Columbine," who started with a school shooting as the basis for questioning an entire culture of violence and fear, Spurlock uses McDonald's as a springboard to comment on deteriorating American health, a national apathy in regards to nutrition and the real health dangers that accompany a life built around fast food.

Undeniably, it's painful to watch what happens to Spurlock. Very early on, he is unable to keep his McDonald’s burgers down and throws up while in a Mickey D’s parking lot. Later, he starts to feel chest pains, becomes lethargic and even his girlfriend comments on a diminished sex drive.

A movie that makes you hate eating at McDonald's.

Super size me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lucious Annaeus Seneca on anger.

This six part series on philosophy is presented by popular British philosopher Alain de Botton, featuring six thinkers who have influenced history, and their ideas about the pursuit of the happy life.

The Roman philosopher Lucious Annaeus Seneca (4BCE-65CE), the most famous and popular philosopher of his day, took the subject of anger seriously enough to dedicate a whole book to the subject. Seneca refused to see anger as an irrational outburst over which we have no control. Instead he saw it as a philosophical problem and amenable to treatment by philosophical argument. He thought anger arose from certain rationally held ideas about the world, and the problem with these ideas is that they are far too optimistic. Certain things are a predictable feature of life, and to get angry about them is to have unrealistic expectations.

Lucious Annaeus Seneca on anger.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to kill a human being.

Former Conservative MP, Michael Portillo pushes his body to the brink of death in an investigation into the science of execution. As the American Supreme Court examines whether the lethal injection is causing prisoners to die in unnecessary pain Michael sets out to find a solution which is fundamentally humane.

To do so he examines the key methods of execution available today: he discovers why convicts can catch on fire in the electric chair, learns how easy it is to botch a hanging and inhales a noxious gas to experience first hand the terror of the gas chamber. Armed with some startling evidence Michael considers a completely new approach. Will it be the answer? There is only one way of finding out - to experience it himself.

How to kill a human being.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The ground truth - The human cost of war.

Hailed as "powerful" and "quietly unflinching," Patricia Foulkrod's searing documentary feature includes exclusive footage that will stir audiences. The filmmaker's subjects are patriotic young Americans - ordinary men and women who heeded the call for military service in Iraq - as they experience recruitment and training, combat, homecoming, and the struggle to reintegrate with families and communities.

The terrible conflict in Iraq, depicted with ferocious honesty in the film, is a prelude for the even more challenging battles fought by the soldiers returning home – with personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government. As these battles take shape, each soldier becomes a new kind of hero, bearing witness and giving support to other veterans, and learning to fearlessly wield the most powerful weapon of all - the truth.

The ground truth - The human cost of war.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

How much is your dead body worth.

How much is your dead body worth.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The flooded Forest.

The flooded Forest.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Most of our universe is missing.

Most of our Universe is missing.

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most vexing problems in science today. Together they dominate the universe, comprising some 96 percent of all mass and energy. But nobody knows what either is.

Dark matter was invoked decades ago to explain why galaxies hold together. Given regular matter alone, galaxies might never have formed, and today they would fly apart. So there must be some unknown stuff that forms invisible clumps to act as gravitational glue.

Dark energy hit the scene in the late 1990s when astronomers discovered the universe is not just expanding, but racing out at an ever-faster pace. Some hidden force, a sort of anti-gravity, must be pushing galaxies apart from one another in this accelerated expansion.

Richard Muller - the big bang, dark matter, dark energy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

War and globalization - The truth behind 9/11

In this lecture by Michel Chossudovsky, he blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by "Islamic terrorists". Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The "war on terrorism" is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the "New World Order", dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington's agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

War and globalization - The truth behind 9/11

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

David Deutsch: - What is our place in the cosmos?

In this rare (and delightfully engaging) public appearance, legendary physicist David Deutsch weaves a complex and captivating argument placing the study of physics at the center of our species' survival. Deutsch is author of "The Fabric of Reality" and the leading proponent of the multiverse intrepretation of quantum theory - the astounding idea that our universe is constantly spawning countless numbers of parallel worlds.

David Deutsch - What is our place in the cosmos?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oil, smoke & mirrors.

"Oil Smoke & Mirrors" offers a sobering critique of our perceived recent history, of our present global circumstances, and of our shared future in light of imminent, under-reported and mis-represented energy production constraints.

Through a series of impressively candid, informed and articulate interviews, this film argues that the bizzare events surrounding the 9/11 attacks, and the equally bizzare prosecution of the so-called "war on terror", can be more credibly understood in the wider context of an imminent and critical divergence between available global oil aupply and and global oil demand.

The picture "Oil, Smoke & Mirrors" paints is one of a tragically hyper-mediated global-political culture, which, for whatever reason, demonstrably disassociates itself from the values it claims to represent.

While the ideas presented in this film can at first seem daunting, it's ultimate assertion is that these challenges can indeed be met and surpassed, if, but only if, we can find the courage to perceive them.

“Oil, Smoke & Mirrors” is an independent production. The producer has neither association with, nor membership of, any political organisation.”

Oil, smoke & mirrors.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dispatches - Supermarket secrets.

How and what we eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are we paying for the homogenised, cheap and convenient food that supermarkets specialise in? In a two-part programme, journalist Jane Moore investigates how supermarkets have affected the food on our plates and reveals the tell-tale signs that the food we buy may not have been grown in the way we think.

Using a combination of undercover filming and scientific analysis, Supermarket Secrets investigates whether the food on supermarket shelves is really as good as it looks, whether prices are as good as they seem and what happens behind the scenes in the production of supermarket food.

This documentry is in two parts. This first part deals with Factory Farming, chickens, and general quality of supermarket food.

Dispatches - Supermarket secrets..part 1

The second part deals with Cows milk, food standards, food waste, pesticides, food globalization, and loss of quality of our produce.

A very important watch for everyone, gives you facts about the meat and food you eat. After watching you will have more of an understanding of the rational behind Vegetarian, Vegan, Organic, and grass-root eating practices.

Dispatches - Supermarket secrets..part 2

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Infinite secrets of Archimedes.

Archimedes of Syracuse (Greek: Άρχιμήδης) (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, astronomer and engineer.

Although little is known of his life, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. Among his advances in physics are the foundations of hydrostatics and the explanation of the principle of the lever. His early use of calculus included the first known summation of an infinite series with a method that is still used today. He is also credited with designing innovative machines, including weapons and the screw pump that bears his name. He is best known for allegedly exclaiming "Eureka!" after discovering what is known today as Archimedes' principle.

Infinite secrets of Archimedes.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Connections - The trigger effect.

Connections was a ten-episode documentary television series created and narrated by science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science & Features Department and first aired in 1978.

It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrates how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events built off one another in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology.

The first in the Connections series Both the beginning and the end of the story are here. The end is our present dependence on complex technological networks illustrated by the NYC power blackouts. Life came almost to a standstill: support systems taken for granted failed. How did we become so helpless? Technology originated with the plow and agriculture. Each invention demands its own follow-up: once started, it is hard to stop. This segment ends in Kuwait, where society has leapt from ancient Egypt to the technology of today in 30 years.

The trigger effect.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Immanuel Velikovsky - The bonds of the past.

Immanuel Velikovsky proposed in his 1950's book "Worlds in Collision" that many myths and traditions of ancient peoples and cultures are based on actual events: worldwide global catastrophes of a celestial origin, which had a profound effect on the lives, beliefs and writings of early mankind. He is best known as the author of a number of controversial books reinterpreting the events of ancient history, and in particular the US bestseller Worlds in Collision, published in 1950.

His books use comparative mythology and ancient literary sources (including the Bible) to argue that Earth has suffered catastrophic close-contacts with other planets (principally Venus and Mars) in ancient times. Velikovsky argued that electromagnetic effects play an important role in celestial mechanics.

This is a documentary about Immanuel Velikovsky's discoveries by Henry Zemel. First telecast on February 22, 1972 by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Immanuel Velikovsky - The bonds of the past.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Horizon - Nuclear fusion.

In March 2002, the scientific world was rocked by some astonishing news: a distinguished US government scientist, Rusi Taleyarkhan, claimed he had made nuclear fusion out of sound waves in his laboratory.

Taleyarkhan's fusion breakthrough was based on a little-understood process called sonoluminescence. It's a process that magically transforms sound waves into flashes of light, focusing the sound energy into a tiny flickering hot spot inside a bubble. It's been called the star in a jar.

The star in a jar effortlessly reaches temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees, hotter than the surface of the sun. Many scientists had wondered if the core of the bubble was even hotter – maybe even as hot as the core of the sun. If so, fusion would happen there. But until Taleyarkhan, no one had been able to either prove it or disprove it.

Horizon - Nuclear fusion.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Kitzmiller v. Dover trial.

PBS Nova Documentary on the Dover school district trial (Kitzmiller v. Dover) and the ramifications it has for being able to keep Intelligent Design (creationism) out of science classrooms.

The Kitzmiller v. Dover trial.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Horizon - Space tourists.

The concept of space tourism is not new. Following the enormous achievements made by the Americans and Russians during the 1960s many of us assumed that it was only a matter of time before it was the turn of tourists. These dreams were fuelled even further when the era's new celebrities – the astronauts – returned with tales of life-changing experiences. Space fever was so intense that by 1969 Pan-Am, one of the world's most respected airlines, opened a waiting list for a moon shuttle. It was only a concept on a drawing board but almost 100,000 people signed up.

In 1986 a civilian finally made it onto the launch pad when NASA put school teacher Christa McAuliffe on board the shuttle Challenger. But just over a minute into the mission Challenger exploded and the entire crew was killed. The accident had an immediate impact. Commercial ventures were cancelled.

It wasn't until ten years later that the dream of space tourism was revived by space entrepreneur Peter Diamandis. Convinced that it was the job of the commercial world to open the space frontier for the masses, Diamandis established the X Prize. The prize would eventually offer $10 million for the first craft to make it to sub orbital space – 62 miles above the earth – twice in 14 days.

Horizon - Space tourists.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Aaron Russo interview by Alex Jones.

Aaron Russo (1943-2007) joins Alex Jones for a fascinating sit-down in depth video interview on a plethora of important subjects. Aaron begins by describing how the draconian and mafia tactics of Chicago police woke him up to the fact that America wasn't free after his nightclub was routinely raided and he was forced to pay protection money.

Aaron and Alex then cover a broad range of topics including the private run for profit federal reserve, Aaron's experience in the late 80's with the IRS when they retroactively passed laws to punish silver and gold traders, the real meaning of the word "democracy," what really happened on 9/11 and Aaron's relationship with Nick Rockefeller, who personally tried to recruit him on behalf of the CFR.

Aaron also relates how Rockefeller told him that the elite created women's liberation to destroy the family and how they want to ultimately microchip and control the entire population. Rockefeller also told before 9/11 Russo that an unexpected "event" would catalyze the U.S. to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

The architecture of the Prison Planet.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cosmological origins: the universe, galaxies, and stars.

The March 13, 2007 Volunteer Enrichment Committee lecture at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science by Curator of Space Science Dr. Ka Chun Yu.

This lecture covers the 13.7 billion year history of the Universe, including topics on cosmology (relativity, the expansion of the universe, the aftermath of the Big Bang, inflation, the cosmic microwave background radiation, formation of the elements), and the evolution of the universe's contents afterwards (large structure formation, the evolution of galaxies, the roles of dark matter and dark energy). The talk ends with star formation covering molecular clouds.

Cosmological origins: the universe, galaxies, and stars.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The big question...

In this 20 min program narated by Stephen Hawking, we take look at the origin of the universe as is understood by modern science and largely thanks to Hawking's contribution to this field of research.

The big question - How did the universe begin?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Planet Earth - Ocean deep.

It begins with a whale shark used as a shield by a shoal of bait fish to protect themselves from yellowfin tuna. Also shown is an oceanic whitetip shark trailing rainbow runners. Meanwhile, a 500-strong school of dolphins head for the Azores, where they work together to feast on scad mackerel.

Down in the ocean's furthest reaches, some creatures defy classification. On the sea floor, scavengers such as the spider crab bide their time, awaiting carrion from above. The volcanic mountain chain at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean also sustains life through the bacteria that surround its sulphide vents. There are thought to be around 30,000 undersea volcanoes, some of them taller than Mount Everest. Their sheer cliffs provide anchorage for several corals and sponges. Nearer the surface, the currents that surround these seamounts force nutrients up from below and thus marine life around them is abundant.

Off the Mexican coast, a large group of sailfish encircle another shoal of bait fish. The hunters change colour as a message of their intentions, since an attack could also be fatal to others of their number. The last sequence depicts the largest animal on Earth: the blue whale, of which 300,000 once roamed the world's oceans. Now fewer than 3% remain. Planet Earth Diaries shows the search in the Bahamas for oceanic whitetip sharks.

Life goes to extraordinary lengths to survive this immense realm. A 30 tonne whale shark gorges on a school of fish and the unique overhead heli-gimbal camera reveals common dolphins rocketing at more than 30km an hour.

Descending into the abyss, deep sea octopus fly with wings and vampire squid use bioluminescence to create an extraordinary colour display. The first ever time-lapse footage taken from 2,000m down captures eels, crabs and giant isopods eating a carcass, completely consuming it within three hours.

Planet Earth - Ocean deep.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The electric universe.

The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo. Alternatives that may represent the future of science.

The Thunderbolts Project offers remarkably simple explanations for 'black holes', 'dark matter', the electric sun, comets that are NOT made of ice, planetary scarring and many other 'mysterious' phenomena.

It proposes that much of the currently observable phenomena of deep space can be intelligently explained by already known principles of electricity. High school students get it immediately. A doctorate in higher math is not required.

This extraordinary new theory also redefines ancient history, linking rock art images carved in basalt 5,000 years ago with identical images found only in Hubble photographs of deep space or in photographs of recently declassified high-energy plasma discharge experiments generated in a billion dollar lab.

The electric universe.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No greater threat - America after September 11..

According to Baltimore lawyer, activist, and author C. William Michaels, misperceptions abound as to what the PATRIOT Act really contains. In his new book No Greater Threat: America After September 11 and the Rise of a National Security State, Michaels debunks myths about the Act and outlines its serious implications for the United States.

It appears that the executive branch used September 11th to give itself powers it always wanted but never would have been granted otherwise. This power grab is just part of what Michaels sees at the United States' move toward becoming a national security state: a pattern that began over 20 years ago but that took a giant leap forward with the PATRIOT Act and related executive orders.

Lecture given by C. William Michaels, esq, author of "America After September 11 and the Rise of the National Security State" at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, USA, July, 2005.

No greater threat - America after September 11..

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The mystery of the human Hobbit.

Is the hobbit a new human species or nothing more than a modern human with a crippling deformity? On the far-flung island of Flores, in the Indonesian archipelago, a team of archaeologists happened upon a tiny 18,000-year old skeleton. It was no more than a metre tall. They assumed they have found the remains of a young girl. But other signs suggested she was in fact much older. They had discovered one of the smallest human adults ever found.

The mystery of the Human Hobbit.