Why are Americans so fat? Two words: fast food. What would happen if you ate nothing but fast food for an entire month?
Spurlock’s real success here is converting a unique idea into an entertaining feature-length film. Much like Michael Moore in "Bowling For Columbine," who started with a school shooting as the basis for questioning an entire culture of violence and fear, Spurlock uses McDonald's as a springboard to comment on deteriorating American health, a national apathy in regards to nutrition and the real health dangers that accompany a life built around fast food.
Undeniably, it's painful to watch what happens to Spurlock. Very early on, he is unable to keep his McDonald’s burgers down and throws up while in a Mickey D’s parking lot. Later, he starts to feel chest pains, becomes lethargic and even his girlfriend comments on a diminished sex drive.
A movie that makes you hate eating at McDonald's.
Super size me.